Talico Publishing

About Us

Our Mission

Founded in 2024 by Tanya Matthews, TALICO Publishing may be small in size but it brims with passion. This independent publishing house aims to make it’s mark in publishing under the guidance of Tanya.

With a Bachelor’s degree in Applied Psychology and a graduate degree in Education, she has honed her understanding of storytelling through the lens of human experience.

Her teaching career spans over two decades, inspiring students ranging from age 4 to 17. A fervent reader and gifted writer herself, she nurtured a dream: to publish her first book before hitting the half-century mark.

Leveraging her background in psychology and education, Tanya tapped into every available research-based strategy to comprehend her illness better and reclaim control over her health.

Today, she proudly asserts that these efforts have drastically improved the quality of her life and empowered her to live out her dream and publishing books.

Identify, Understand and Heal from Relationships with Narcissistic People

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